Jacob Brown

Software Engineer

About Me

About Me

My Journey
  • Graphic Design
  • Self taught and doing Graphic Design freelance in high school. I really enjoyed the work but found that the work was inconsistent. I was at Purdue for Mechanical Engineering at this time.

  • Manufacturing Management
  • After financial issues prevented me from continuing Purdue, I found myself working with people with disabilities in the healthcare field for a few years. I really enjoyed the work but needed a challenge. I eventually moved into manufacturing within the same company and quickly started leading teams and began leaning into Six Sigma ideals and even became Lean certified.

  • Software Engineer
  • After Covid-19 hit my place of work and the manufacturing industry hard and I found myself looking at a new opportunity. After graduating from the Eleven Fifty Academy in October I quickly gained the skills I need to start working in a challenging new career. I was quickly offered a job at EFA as a learning assistant and was offered to progress into the instructor training program. From there I started working as a .NET Developer outside of instructing

My Skills


  • Experience in making various applications using Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • Applied knowledge of object oriented programming.
  • Strong experience using N-Tier applications.
  • Expertise in solving problems through investigation and problem solving.

Agile/Lean/Six Sigma

  • Extensive experience utilizing principles of Lean to improve daily production in a manufacturing and team leader setting.
  • Knowledge of Six Sigma practices and concepts of Continuous Improvement.
  • Strong skill set in leading teams that grow in self sufficiency and communication.
  • Experience using Agile methodology and SCRUM in a coding environment.


  • Strong understanding of BootStrap and CSS styling.
  • Years of experience in graphic design to create images and assets easily.
  • Strong knowledge of HTML and CSS interactions.



This is a MVC Database that allow a user to create atoms and molecules in a database. Using those database connections the database is able to use chemical formulas to generate data about upper level objects. It also builds connections between tables in the background and can parse chemical formulas to automatically link all the atoms needed in the correct amounts.

Team API Database Project

This is an ASP.NET program that will allow a user to create a car collection of linked cars, manufacturers, and locations through API calls to a database. This was done on a team of four and heavily relied on communication and using GIT for version control and merges.

Gold Badge Project

This is a series of basic fundamentals of C# challenges and unit tests. The point was to show an understanding of object oriented programming and testing the logic created.

C# BlackJack

The classic casino game, recreated in C# as a console game. Displays your cards, can be played with standard Black Jack actions, and bet tracking

JBUniversity API

A .net framework API that I created for software curriculum teaching. It's main purpose to was to show junction/joining tables in a database and applying logic to automatically handle those tables and there interactions.

Static Storefront

A simple mockup of a fake game store, Galaxy Games. This was to show a understanding of HTML/CSS as the only components. The website is also mobile responsive without the use of BootStrap.


This is a simple program I created to help teach the concept of Asynchronous methods in C#. It's fairly simple but logically a bit layered so to showcase multithreading and setting up race conditions in a simple metaphor. There's a bit of comments to help explain the process.

My GitHub

Where I'm keeping some of my WIP's and future projects